EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy – Challenges and Opportunities

Ambassador Olof Skoog was appointed by Catherine Ashton as the first Permanent Chair of the The Political and Security Committee (PSC), which monitors the international situation in the areas covered by the European security and defence policy (ESDP) and the common foreign and security policy (CFSP). It plays a central role in the definition of and follow-up to the European Union’s response to a crisis.
In his address, Ambassador Skoog outlined the new institutional dynamics of the PSC, within the EEAS (European Union External Action and under a permanent chair. He explored how this has equipped the Committee to face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

About agatalambrechts

International Politics and Human Rights postgraduate student, interested in foreign affairs, law, governance and politics of the European Union, with special interest in EU-Russia relations and EU defense and security as well as human rights and migration. Passionate about reading, research and writing, hoping to bring some useful views and opinions to discussions about Union's past, current and future developments.
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